5 Reasons Sunrise Engagement Sessions Are The Best (Especially in Colorado!)
If you’ve met me before, or worked with me for a session, you know that I am obsessed with sunrise and that I will fight you on it until you agree. People think I’m crazy, but guys…SUNRISE is where it’s at. Some of you might be reading this and think to yourselves absolutely not, not for all the coffee in the world, she’s batsh*t crazy - but read on and before you know it you’ll be setting your alarm for 3 am!
1.The colors! The alpenglow!
Oh my goodness. This one is obvious but well worth ranting about. First of all, Colorado is magical. I’m not typically a very spiritual person, but if there has ever been a time I feel close to religion it’s at sunrise. Maybe it’s because it’s quiet and I can think, or because there is no one around and I feel like I can breathe, but the connection I feel to life and nature when the sun is starting to rise is unlike any other feeling, and trust me I’ve done enough yoga and meditation to try and replicate it. I feel an instant sense of calm, which I feel most of my couples do too. I know that sunset can be accompanied by the same kind of beauty, but not necessarily the same calm, and I feel like unless you’ve been up before the sun as many times as I have you might not get where I am coming from. But fear not - I am here to make mornings glorious!
2. The quiet.
I mean, there is NOTHING, absolutely nothing like showing up to a park where the only noises you hear are the birds chirping or elk bugling (which ok FINE isn’t the quietest/most peaceful thing ever but still!). No people noise pollution, no cars no music…just straight up white noise machine nature sounds. Not only is this great for engagement sessions, but it’s also PERFECT for proposing. Convince your S.O. that sunrise is where it’s at, perhaps with the promise of a boozy brunch, and bam! Get on one knee while I capture it all. I love helping couples who are on vacation plan their Colorado mountain proposal, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!
3. No people!
One of my favorite things about sunrise Colorado engagement sessions is that most people are like HELL NO. If it doesn’t include brunch and a mimosa, they’re out, and in fairness I usually agree. But just because it’s early doesn’t mean you can enjoy a glass of bubbly or a nice spiked warm beverage, but back to my main point - because there are no people around, there is no one to judge what you are doing or gawk at your overly pda-y display of affection (because lets be real here, cute couples portraits don’t happen when you aren’t touching). Over the years I have found that the less crowded it is, the more likely it is that you and your partner will be comfortable enough to show affection in front of the camera, resulting in a stress free, fun, laid back session.
4. No Traffic!
This relates to my no people thing, but regardless it’s worth noting - there’s waayyy less traffic. And this is important to note if you live in Colorado, because there is almost always traffic going into the mountains. If you have scheduled your session in the middle of summer, on a weekend, at sunset, in Colorado, be prepared to sit on a highway for a while. Scheduled at sunrise? Not a problem, unless it’s a powder day in the winter, but I do draw the line somewhere, and winter sunrises sessions where it’s colder than 15 degrees aren’t fun for anyone. Which brings me to my next point..
5. Best Weather (unless its the middle of winter!)
This pertains to late spring/summer/fall sessions only, but being that Colorado is a high altitude desert it can get HOT during the day. This obviously can quickly change as the sun is setting, but it’s never a problem at sunrise. If anything, it can sometimes be a bit chilly. Want to have a Steamboat Springs Hot Air Balloon Rodeo engagement session? They only launch at sunrise, because that’s when…you guessed it…the weather is the best. Now winter (and I mean the really cold Colorado months, like Jan/Feb/March) is another story. I am not a fan of sunrise in these months, because it’s just waaayy too cold for anyone to feel truly comfortable. My fingers stop working after about 15 minutes, people have tense shoulders, red noses, cold toes. etc. I absolutely will shoot in any conditions at any time, but I don’t usually recommend winter sunrise sessions.
Bonus! 6. The animals!
This one is for my animal lovers out there! Chances of seeing wildlife in the morning are significantly higher than when the parks are jammed packed with tourists. In 10 years I have seen moose twice - both times at sunrise. Both were the most beautiful experiences. One was during a Maroon Bells Engagement Session, and he actually charged a group of people near us so I ran for my life versus getting a picture (I’m clearly not cut out for Nat Geo) but it was still awesome. The other was during an engagement session at RMNP, and we just stopped and watched for a while as he walked into a lake, drank some water, hung out for a bit and then kept walking.
I’m a firm believer that magical stuff like this only happens as the sun is coming up, and if you’ve got a tiny bit of morning person in you you should drink some sleepy time tea and get to bed at 7 pm! Want to have a sunrise elopement or engagement session? Reach out, I’ll bring the Baileys!