City Park Wedding Photographer

Denver City Park Wedding - Denver Wedding Photographer - Sam and Sarah

So if any of you know me well (and by know me well I mean love me despite that I can't cook, make awkward jokes and know that I have an insatiable love for candy), then you know that I recently took a trip to Cuba. 

And while it was one of the hardest weeks of my life (seriously, it took me the better part of two days to just GET into the damn country), it was also one of the most fulfilling.

And while it was extremely fulfilling, it also put me very behind. EXTREMELY behind. 

So hello again. I'm back. And I've got lots of lovin' to share, so brace yourselves.

Here are Sarah & Sam. First time I've shot a wedding that had a band. Woody and I danced like we were guests. If you live in the Denver area and are on the fence about a DJ, hire "That 80's Band" (and actually, they play way more then just music from the 80's).  

They were amazing. Phenomenal. And so was this wedding. 


On My Speakers: A 90's playlist on Spotify. So far I've listened to blink-182, Alanis Morissette, and Salt n Peppa. I can't complain! 

Denver City Park Same Sex Engagement Session - Denver Colorado Wedding Photographer - Courtney and Jess

In lieu of today's Pride Fest I thought I'd share a recent shoot with Jess & Courtney, who get married in August.

To me, love comes in all forms.

And when two people's love is this great, it doesn't matter what form it's in. 

I'm glad I got to share this one today. I have SO much left to post, but I've been running around like a mad woman, and it's a miracle I haven't lost my mind. This is my first real summer of shooting full time, and while I'm absolutely terrified, I'm also excited for the way my portfolio will look at the end of summer.

Uber excited. 


On My Speakers: Hail Bop - Django Django