Tabernash Wedding Photographer

Colorado Wedding Photographer - Best of 2019

I know, I know. It’s March (almost April) and we are in the midst of an coronavirus pandemic, and now is when you choose to post about 2019?! Let’s be real here though. 2019 is looking like an ocean view suite in Maui compared to the under the highway hourly motel that 2020 is shaping up to be. I typically like to look forward, and in reality, there is no point in holding on to the past. But now more than ever I am finding reasons to celebrate and be grateful for what was, in hopes that we can one day soon be there again. I feel so much for my 2020 brides because this is uncharted waters for all of us. We can pretend to be fortune tellers all we want, but the truth is we don’t know how this year is going to turn out, but I for one want to do my absolute best to not put joy and celebrating on hold. As one on my lovely brides put it, we can’t postpose everything about life. It keeps going and threatens to leave us in the dust if we don’t keep up. We’ll slow down, quarantine, hopefully flatten the spread, and pray for the best, but eventually (and I of course don’t mean within the next couple of months - isolating is a must right now!) we will need to soldier on, perhaps with new extra sanitized and social distanced ways of living, but we’ll have to move on nonetheless. And with all the dire news lately I am feeling more than ready for reasons to celebrate again.

2019 was quite a year of growth for me, in the best of ways. When I first started my business 10 years ago, I didn’t know a single thing about being a business owner. All I knew is that I wanted to take pretty pictures for people because that’s what made me truly happy. If the last decade has shown me anything, its that The best part about this entire journey of mine has not only been to see my business grow and flourish, but also to learn about that side of me - the side that has been able to figure out the ins and outs of being a one woman show. It’s been scary at times, trying to rely on myself completely to put food on the table. But I’ve also found that I am stronger than I thought, and that ability to surprise myself has been priceless.

Thank you for taking the time to scroll through my 2019 weddings. I want to mention here that I shot this entire wedding season pregnant, with my last wedding of the year being 3 weeks before giving birth to my daughter Margot. Not to toot my own horn or anything ;)

Hithers Edge Ranch Wedding - Intimate Wedding in Fraser, Colorado - Abbey and Ehren

Fun fact: Woody and I met in a town just outside of Tabernash. So when I get the opportunity to shoot a wedding anywhere in Grand County, I jump on it - mostly because I'm reminded of the huge leap of faith I took leaving Miami and everything I knew behind to live in a town of 46 people. And while Woody and I have moved and no longer live there, it was and still is one of the best decisions I have ever made, and Winter Park is still so dear to me.

Abbey and Ehren got married on their family ranch, surrounded by everyone they know and love. Littered about the property were the tents of several friends, a sign that even once the last song played, the party would be continuing late into the evening. I was pregnant with Luna when I shot this wedding, so I was already more emotional then usual, but I think this wedding would have gotten to me anyways - Ehren's best man had passed away tragically only a few short weeks before the wedding, and there were small touches here and there meant to let everyone know that despite his absence, he was not forgotten.

The day was emotional, but also full of a lot of love and laughter, and I loved capturing every minute of it. This is what love is all about.